Favorite Cycling Destinations: Sardinia
Typical Sardinia Coastline
By Phyllis and Peter Keithly
While enjoying a wonderful cycle tour of Western Ireland several years ago, my wife and I met with a local cycle guide over a beer one afternoon and I felt compelled to ask him what his favorite bicycle touring destination had been thus far. He did not hesitate when he replied: “Oh, without a doubt, Sardinia!”. Now while I must admit I was not familiar with that particular destination at that time, his enthusiasm was contagious and I immediately began researching this Italian island once we returned home.
The Beach Promenade at Torre Grande
Sardinia is located in the Mediterranean Sea, directly west of the Italian mainland and is easily reached from nearly any point in Europe. The climate of Sardinia is perfect for a late Spring cycle tour and after confirming an opening in our schedule for the following year, I set to planning a 3-week adventure for April.
A Solid Rental Bike
We flew from Seattle to Milan and then on to Alghero on the NW coast of the island. While we now almost always pack our own touring bicycles for our cycling adventures, on this particular journey we opted to rent bicycles at a small shop in Alghero. The bikes were actually in pretty decent condition and we had very few mechanical issues over the entire trip. The bike shop owner was willing to pick-up our bicycles at our final destination town of Cagliari, so we could make a one-way run down the west side of the island and fly home from there.
Overlooking Bosa
After spending a full day touring and acclimating in the area around Alghero, we began a slow ramble to our first destination town of Bosa. Again, we explored the area for one full day and then headed south for our next destination, an “Agriturismo” located somewhat inland near the town of Santu Lussurgiu. From here we headed on to Oristano and spent a full day exploring the local area along the coast. Our next destination was located up in the hills above Guspini near an old abandoned mine. Then it was off to another Agriturismo located in the hills between Buggerru and Nebida. This particular section included a gorgeous ride out of the hills and down to an endless abandoned beach.
Typical Beach
Sardinia is a beautiful, mostly rural cycling destination with a good mix of easy rollers and some more challenging climbs. People were very friendly and courteous, and we met not a single person from our home country (we like that!). The roads we took were lightly travelled and generally in good shape. We hope to return some day and try the north to south route along the east coast.
Cheers and keep your wheels turning!
Map of our route
Some more photos from our trip below |
Rental Shop Owners
From Our B&B Patio in Bosa
Good Price for Fresh Oranges
The Old Fort Above Bosa
Plentiful Fresh Water Sources
Many Sheep on the Island
Typical Quiet Road
Nice Little Park
Murals in a Small Town
A Seaside Vendor
Dedicated Bicycle Path
Small Town Church
The Hillside View
Proper Fuel
Free Oranges
Another Nice Beach
Windy Coastline & Tower
Enjoying a Break
View from our B&B in Alghero
Alghero Harbor
Beautiful Tapestry
Local Italian Food Place in Alghero