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Trains in Poland

It is perfectly feasible to take your bikes on the majority of Polish trains, we have used it several times. I must admit it is an interesting experience, but with a bit of forward planning it is not too traumatic. We found that most of the information & ticket offices in the main stations were quite helpful and some spoke reasonable English, however very few of the smaller station staff spoke English so a map is handy to show them your destination and try and write down from a phrase book exactly what type of ticket you need and indicate that you have bikes.

If you are pushed for time you can purchase your tickets on the train from the Guard. You will need to purchase a separate ticket for your cycle.


Most of the stations that we used had reasonable access to the platforms for heavily laden touring cycles i.e. ramps, but the station at Wolin had this wonderful set of steps to negotiate. (See below).

Most of the intercity trains have normal corridor carriages and don't usually have guards vans so you will have to put your bikes in the door area. This can cause a bit of disruption as it means you are blocking access to the WC, you therefore may wish to stay close to your bikes as we did.

As you can see from the picture on the below there are a massive 3 steps up to the carriage from the platform.

Wolin Station - disabled access?

The Massive 3 steps up!

This is very much hernia inducing and back wrenching stuff so unless you wish to do yourself a mischief think about unhooking those panniers before the train arrives, as the doors are quite narrow and wont easily take a fully laden bike.

There are special places reserved for cycles on some trains ( see Maciek's note below) On the local commuter trains there are some carriages with an open area for push chairs and bicycle's.

Commuter train access

Area for bikes & push chairs in commuter trains

Unfortunately these are not clearly marked and they do have the normal hernia inducing 3 steps up! Polish Railways do have some double decker trains but unlike the German or Finish trains these don't have the easy wheel on access.

Maciek Ostaszewski who lives in Poland recently sent me these comments on Trains:

' We have higher platforms, than these I found on the pictures on your web page, loading bikes is much more easier. If there is a luggage van then you have to put your bike in it without your paniers and take the paniers with you to your seat. If there is no luggage van, you will have to put your bikes in last or first door area. It is good idea to lock (u-lock or something similar) your bike to something. Of course, if you are foreigner you can always say: "I did not know'', and it will be OK.

It is possible to check in the timetables if there are luggage vans (Wagon Towarowy) on the train. There are a few trains designed for cycle tourists, but they are difficult to find.

It is also possible to go by buses. They are cheaper than trains, but slower. Buses companies: Polski Express and PKS.'

Also for a more up to date page on using trains in Poland have a look at the Exotic Poland site.


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